Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Volume 15 Issue 2

The calanoid copepod family Pontellidae from the Indian ocean

E. G. Silas and P. Parameswaran Pillai

Some species of calanoid copepods, chiefly the members of the family Pontellidae inhabiting the surface waters of the oceanic and neritic regions, have been studied in recent years as possible biological indicators of hydrological properties. Very few studies pertaining to the taxonomy and biogeography of the members of the family Pontellidae from the Indian Ocean have previously been carried out. The present communication gives relevant informations on descriptions and illustrations of some species from the Indian Ocean belonging to this family. A catalogue of all the nominal species (both valid species and synonyms) hitherto described from the world oceans has also been included.

Date : 31-12-1973