Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Volume 59 Issue 2

First report of Ovammina opaca, Dahlgren 1962, a saccaminid benthic foraminiferal species from the sediments of Arabian Sea

R. Ranju, N. R. Menon, M. Nashad and N. R. Nisha

A monothalamous saccaminid, Ovammina opaca Dahlgren, 1962, is being reported for the first time from the recent sediments of Arabian Sea. The species was found abundant in the shelf sediments along the southwest coast of India. Generally this group of foraminifera has been recorded earlier from the cold water environments, but has always been overlooked in shallower marginal regions. In the present study, the occurrence of the species has been presented in shallower water shelf sediments.


Saccaminid, monothalamous foraminifera

Date : 30-12-2017