Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Volume 43 Issue 1&2

Accumulation and depuration of petroleum hydrocarbons from WSFS of Bombay High crude oil by the marine bivalve Gafrarium divaricafum (Gmelin)

Snehal S. Donde, R.R. Nayak and K.B. Sawant

Medium sized intertidal hard clams Gafraium divaricatum (Gmelin), were exposed to the water soluble fractions (wsfs) of Bombay High (BH) crude oil at concentrations ranging from 581.6 ppb (10% Wsf stock) to 5.8 ppb (1% Wsf dilution). During 28 days of exposure period and 14 days of depuration period, hydrocarbon retention and release were recorded. PHC concentrations in water samples were measured quantitatively by UV fluorescence spectrometry (excitation310nm, emission 360nm) IR spectrophotometer  studies showed that petroleum derived hydrocarbons were incorporated into the tissues of G. divaricatum Clams surviving exposure to high sublethel levels of crude oil Wsfs were adversely affected Both during exposoure and depuration.

Date : 30-12-2001