Scientific talks on various themes

Virtual Talk by Dr. Michael Dawson on 2nd November 2021

The 15th in the series was a very informative virtual talk by Dr. Michael Dawson who is presently the Professor of Evolutionary Biology at the University of California, Merced on the topic “A Better Understanding of Biodiversity”

Dr. Michael Dawson
University of California, Merced,
5200 North Lake Rd, CA 95343

Virtual Talk by Dr. Luiz Rocha on July 23rd, 2020

The 14th in the series was a very informative virtual talk by Dr. Luiz Rocha who is presently the Associate Curator and Follett Chair, Ichthyology with the Californian Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA on the topic  “Mesophotic ecosystem science and exploration”.

Dr. Luiz Rocha
Associate Curator and Follett Chair,
Ichthyology department
Californian Academy of Sciences,
San Francisco, USA

Virtual Talk by Prof. (Dr.) Yvonne Sadovy on July 9th, 2020

The 13th in the series was a very informative virtual talk by Prof. (Dr.) Yvonne Sadovy, Co-Chair (with Dr. Matthew Craig) of the IUCN (World Conservation Union Specialist Group on Groupers and Wrasses on the topic “Capture Fisheries and Aquaculture: Confusion at the Crossroads”

Prof. (Dr.) Yvonne Sadovy
The Kadoorie Biological Sciences Building,
The University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, China

Talk by Dr. Beth Fulton on November 4th, 2019
The 12th in the series was a very informative talk by Dr. Beth Fulton, who leads the Marine Ecosystem Modelling and Risk Assessment group based at Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) Oceans & Atmosphere at Hobart on the topic “Trials and Tribulations of Ecosystem Based Management”

Dr. Beth Fulton
Research Group Leader
Marine Ecosystem Modelling and
Risk Assessment group,
CSIRO, Oceans & Atmosphere, Hobart

Talk by Dr Maarten Bavinck on April 18th, 2017

The 11th  in the series was a very informative talk by Dr Maarten Bavinck, professor in the Department of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies (GPIO) of the University of Amsterdam on the topic “Tropical marine fisheries Governance -The way forward”

Talk  by Mr. Ravichandra Modreti, on 10th January 2014 

Mr. Ravichandra Modreti Dept. of Ecology and Environment Pondicherry University/ and Centre for Ecology and Evolution, CNRS, Montpellier, France talk on “Ecology of Seabirds And Their Relation To Fisheries”

Talk by Dr. Kirsten Benkendorff on 20th December 2013

The Tenth in the series was a very informative talk by Dr. Kirsten Benkendorff, Associate Professor, Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia on the topic "Marine Bioprospecting and medicines from molluscs". The talk touched all aspects of mollusc biology and ecology right from biodiversity to value addition, trade and bioprespecting.

Dr. Kirsten Benkendorff
Associate Professor,
Southern Cross University,
Lismore, Australia

Talk by Dr. Valeriy P. Vasil'kov on 19th December 2013

The Ninth in the series was a talk by Dr. Valeriy P. Vasil'kov, Vladivostok State University, Russia on the topic "Computer-aided age estimation techniques using calcified structures in fish and aquatic animals". Dr. Vasil'kov presented methodologies for using computer software to estimate age of the fish from otolith rings.

Dr. Valeriy P. Vasilkov
Associate Professor,
Vladivostok State University, Russia

Talk by Dr. Neelakanteswar Aluru on 7th September 2012

The eighth in the series was a talk by Dr. Neelakanteswar Aluru, Asst. Scientist, Biology Dept., Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), Woods Hole, USA on the topic “Environmental biology of fishes: An epigenetic perspective”

Talk by Dr. Usha Varanasi on 24th January 2012

The seventh in the series was a talk by Dr. Usha Varanasi, Distinguished Scholar in Residence at University of Washington College of the Environment and Former Director, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Fisheries Science Center,USA on the topic “Fisheries management in USA and Impacts of contaminants on Marine resources and ecosystems”

Dr. Usha Varanasi
Distinguished Scholar in Residence,
University of Washington College of the Environment

Talk by Dr. Barry Russell 04th November 2011

The sixth in the series was a talk by Dr. Barry Russell of Australia, Member of IUCN Specialist group on Groupers & Wrasses on the topic “Extinction risk of global groupers and wrasses”

Talk by Dr. (Prof.) T. J. Pandian on 09th June 2011

The fifth in the series was a talk by Dr. (Prof.) T. J. Pandian - Emeritus Professor, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
on the topic “Stem cells and gonial cells of fishes”

Dr. (Prof.) T. J. Pandian
Emeritus Professor,
Madurai Kamaraj University,

Talk by Dr. T Subramoniam 19th May 2011

The fourth in the series was a talk by Dr. T Subramoniam, INSA Honorary Scientist at NIOT, Chennai and Former Professor and Head of the Dept. of Zoology, Madras University, Chennai on the topic “Mechanism and control of reproduction in crustaceans”

Dr. T Subramoniam
INSA Honorary Scientist at NIOT,

Talk by Dr. Greg Smith on 14th January 2009

The third in the series was a talk by Dr. Greg Smith on the topic “The status of spiny lobster propagation research in Australia, with focus on recent developments”. Dr. Greg Smith is a Research Scientist at Australian Institute of Marine Sciences (AIMS). Australia with over 20 years experience in larval culture of penaeid shrimps Macrobrachium and Spiny Lobsters. Dr. Greg Smith explained in detail the setting up of an effective water treatment system which is the strong point for successful breeding of lobsters. Different steps in the culture system with small video clippings of how Vibrio infection could affect larvae were also presented.

Dr. Greg Smith
Research Scientist,
Australian Institute of
Marine Sciences (AIMS)

Talk by Dr. Stewart Frusher 30th December 2009

The second in the series was a talk by Dr. Stewart Frusher, Associate Professor at Tasmanian Aquaculture & Fisheries Institute (TAFI), Australia on the topic “Climate Change and South Eastern Australian Fisheries”. Effects of the changes in the climate on the Australian Fisheries were highlighted. The talk also threw light on the possible changes which might occur to any tropical fish stock in view of the climate change.

Dr. Stewart Frusher
Theme Leader, Climate Change
Marine Research Laboratories
Tasmanian Aquaculture &
Fisheries Institute University of Tasmania

Talk by Dr. Clyde MacKenzie on 8th December 2009

The first Special Talk was by Dr. Clyde MacKenzie Jr. on the topic “The causes of declines in estuarine mollusks and oceanic finfish in North Eastern United States”. Dr. Clyde MacKenzie is a Shellfish Biologist with James J Howard Marine Sciences Laboratory, Northeast Fisheries Sciences Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Marine Fisheries Service, New Jersey, USA. His talk dealt in detail about the historic development of mollusc fishery and oceanic finfish in the Bay and its present status. The talk was followed by detailed discussion

Dr. Clyde MacKenzie Jr
James J. Howard Marine Sciences Laboratory,
Northeast Fisheries Sciences Center
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
National Marine Fisheries Service
New Jersey, USA


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