Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Historical sketch of Indian Ocean malacology

Volume 16 Issue 2

Ralph W. Dexter


Early studies on Indian Ocean molluscs were promoted by the organisation of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (1784) and its serial publications of proceedings and a journal. Later, its zoological museum served as a centre for such researches. The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (1886) also served as a focal point for promoting research. A total of 41 expeditions (I817-I96I) which included the Indian Ocean has been summarized by Yentsch (1962). This also includes 789 references on molluscs, and two supplements to this bibliography have been issued by Alagarswami, Lai Mohan, James, and Appukuttan (1968 ; 1969), with an additional 606 references. The Indian Museum (1914) has been a major centre for work on Indian Ocean molluscs, and problems of economic malacology have spurred considerable research. The principal scientific periodicals including works on Indian Ocean molluscs are listed, and current students of Indian Ocean malacology are annotated.

Date : 30-08-1974

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