Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Nearshore circulation at Tarapur on the west coast of India

Volume 15 Issue 2

K. Vijayakrishnan Nair


Hydrographic data from a cruise in the nearshore areas of Tarapur (March 20-28, 1966) on the west coast of India are presented. Temperature data indicate that the waters closer to the shore are warmer than those offshore. Salinity data also showed higher salinities closer to the shore compared to offshore areas. Sigma-t data suggests sinking conditions near the coast. Current measurements have shown oscillatory tidal currents at the four stations occupied. The current component normal to the shore (East) was very much weaker than the one parallel to the shore (North). The flood currents were slightly stronger than the ebb and the residual current data suggested a net movement of water towards the north at most of the stations. Current velocities were found to be higher towards offshore areas

Date : 31-12-1973

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