Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

On the importance of studying particulate matter in the oceans.

Volume 15 Issue 2

D. Lal


OCEANS represent an aqueous solution of a very complex and ancient history. The recycling of the ocean water between the atmosphere and the continents over periods of the order of 100-200 m. y. is accompanied by a variety of physical and chemical processes, both on the land and within the oceans. It is no wonder, therefore that the ocean water as well as the marine deposits have become the focus of study for scientists of various disciplines, chemists, physicists, etc. Particularly in the last two decades, as our knowledge of marine phenomena increased, scientists in other disciplines quickly joined in. In the discussions today, I would like to consider particular aspects of investigations in the marine environments which highlight this interaction between oceanographers and scientists of other fields.

Date : 31-12-1973

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