Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Report on the landing of the critically endangered Rhinobatid Acroteriobatus variegatus (Nair & Lal Mohan, 1973) with some insights into its reproductive biology

Volume 62 Issue 1

Livi Wilson, P. U. Zacharia, Shoba Joe Kizhakudan, T. M. Najmudeen, B. Santhosh, Ambarish P. Gop, M. Radhakrishnan, K. T. S. Sunil and S. Pakkri Muthu



A single specimen of a gravid female of the stripenose guitarfish, Acroteriobatus variegatus was landed as by-catch by a tuna hook and line at Sakthikulangara, Kerala from a depth of 110-130 m. The species is categorized as ‘critically endangered’ by IUCN. The morphometric characteristics of A. variegatus are described for the first time since its original description by Nair and Lal Mohan (1973) from Gulf of Mannar. The present study provides preliminary insights into its reproductive biology. The mode of reproduction in A. variegatus is aplacental yolk sac viviparity with low uterine fecundity


Stripenose guitarfish, morphometric characteristics, aplacental yolk sac viviparity, low uterine fecundity

Date : 25-07-2020

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