Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Breeding behaviour and embryonic development in the Orange chromide, Etroplus maculatus (Cichlidae, Bloch 1795)

Volume 54 Issue 1

L. Bindu and K. G. Padmakumar doi: 10.6024/jmbai.2012.54.1.01679-02


Etroplus maculatus,commonly known as Orange chromide,is an ndigenous cichlid of the Peninsular India and Sri Lanka. They are asynchronous, substrate spawners showing biparental care.Breeding behaviour of this species including pair formation,nesting, parental care and spawning intensity were continuously observed in the laboratory conditions. E. maculatus lay 140 to 231 eggs per spawning and the mean size of fertilized egg was 1.6 mm.Hatching was recorded in 48 hr. of incubation (270C)and hatchling has a size of 3.9 mm. Yolk absorption was completed in three days and after that the larvae accept external food. Spawning interval was estimated based on observing isolated pair continuously for a period of three months in aquarium tanks. Hatching of the eggs was facilitated with/without parental care in the laboratory conditions. Embryonic and larval developmental stages were continuously monitored.By reducing the spawning interval, maximum number of seeds can be produced and utilized in the ornamental fish markets.This helps to overcome the difficulties during natural collections and also conserve the valuable natural populations.


Orange chromide, substrate brooder, biparental care, spawning interval, fanning, mouthing

Date : 27-06-2012

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