Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Design and operational characteristics of small meshed purse seine nets with pocket operated off Ratnagiri, Maharashtra

Volume 53 Issue 2

R. R. Jadhav, *A. S. Mohite and T. G. Kazi doi: 10.6024/jmbai.2011.53.2.01641-13


The small meshed purse seine net with pocket, locally called 'ghan' in Ratnagiri consisted of bunt (Mand),main webbing, pocket and wing (Kan). The stretched height of few sections of main webbing is kept higher than other sections so as to achieve vertical slackness. This extra slackness caused the formation of pockets between the sections of main webbing of the net. The net was 72 m in length, 82 m in depth and was fabricated by joining 46 numbers of vertical sections of webbing of polyamide (PA) knotted netting having mesh size of 30 mm. The hanging coefficient along the floatline and lead line varied from 0.57 to 0.81 and 0.60 to 0.87 respectively. The net was operated using single wooden boat with the aid of an unpowered skiff. The depth of operation was always less than the depth of the net. The time required for setting, pursing, hauling and brailing varied from 2 to 2.5 hours.


Design, small meshed purse seines, purse seines with pocket

Date : 09-02-2012

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