Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Tropical spiny lobster aquaculture development in Vietnam, Indonesia and Australia

Volume 52 Issue 2

*Clive M. Jones


Of the various tropical spiny lobster species in the Indo-West Paci fic region, Panulirus ornatus and P. homarus are emerging as the favoured species for aquaculture. This is based on a number of factors including market demand and pricing, availability of naturally settling seed (for on-growing), development of hatchery technology, suitability for captive growout and adaptability to a variety of production systems. Production to date is based only on naturally settled puerulus which in some areas of Vietnam and Indo nesia are particularly abundant and easily caught. In Vietnam, more than 1,500 tonnes of P.ornatus are farmed each year in sea cages, while in Indonesia lobster farming has begun in Lombok where large numbers of P. homarus seed settle each year. Further resources of seed are likely to be identified elsewhere in the archi pelago. In Australia, exploitation of wild puerulus is un economic and the focus has been on hatchery technology which is now poised for commercialisation. Aquaculture production of lobsters is an attr active proposition worldwide, as the species are generally of high value,are in great demand and fishery production cannot be in inrea sed. Active research and development programs throughout the world have sought to develop this sector, but to date none have been su ccessful, outside the developments referred to here. Tropical spe cies of spiny lobster are likely to remain at the forefront of aqua culture production development because of the availability of wild seed,development of commercially viable hatcheries and their highly economic growout characteristics. This paper summarises the opportu nity for tropical spiny lobster aquaculture, developments to date and the challenges yet to be overcome.


Lobster, Panulirus ornatus, P. homarus, aquaculture, puerulus

Date : 03-03-2011

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