Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Exploitation of puerulus settlement for the development of tropical spiny lobster aquaculture in the Indo-West Pacific

Volume 52 Issue 2

*Clive M. Jones, 1Nguyen Van Long, Dao Tan Hoc and 2Bayu Priyambodo


Development of tropical spiny lobster aquaculture has occurred in Vietnam and more recently in Indonesia based on the collection of naturally settling puerulus.Strong market demand for spiny lobsters and static fishery production has driven such development. High availability of lobster seed has been identified for exploitation particularly in some locations and fishing methods have been developed which make capture of these post-larval lobsters quite straightforward. Such pueruli availability may exist throughout the South East Asian region providing opportunity of industry expansion. A research project is supporting assessment of pueruli resources in Indonesia and providing baseline data on puerulus catch. Capture data over several years is now available which provide a comprehens ive picture of spatial distribution, species composition, seasona lity, inter-annual variability, catch per unit effort, pricing and total production. Methods of puerulus capture, their innovation and evolution are described. The delicate nature of pueruli has resulted in high mortality through the production chain and the processes involved in their handling and improvements recommended are discus sed. In particular, a nursery phase close to the point of capture is advisable to produce robust juveniles suitable for transport to grow out locations. Management of the puerulus resources of Vietnam and Indonesia is advisable, but difficult given lack of information about the source breeding populations and effectiveness of the catching methods. Sustainability of the wild catch is of concern but may be offset by development of a hatchery supply. The lobster aqua culture industry of Vietnam has provided demonstrable benefit to coastal fishing communities and is likely to provide equivalent bene fit in Indonesia. Such benefits may be expanded to other parts of South East Asia and hopefully can be achieved on a sustainable basis.


Lobster, Panulirus ornatus, P. homarus, aquaculture, puerulus, post-larval collection

Date : 03-03-2011

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