Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Density distribution of heterotrohic bacteria in the surface waters at Visakhapatnam Fishing Harbour

Volume 48 Issue 2

P. Sreedevi and B. Kondalarao


Heterotrophic bacteria density distribution in the surface waters at Visakhapatnam Fishing Harbour was studied from March to December 2006 at fortnightly intervals from four sampling points. Total bacteria registered a maximum density of 6.60 x l03 cfu/ml. The lipolytic bacteria density (5.85 x 103 cfu/ml) was relatively higher than proteolytic (2.97 x  103 cfu/ml) or glycotic (3.90 x 103 cfu/ml) bacterial density. Dissolved oxygen and pH showed all positive and all negative correlations respectively with four categories of bacteria studied. The paper discusses the impact of physico-chemical parameters on the density distribution of bacteria in the surface waters of fishing harbour.

Date : 30-12-2006

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