Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Billfish fishery along the Indian coast with special reference to the Indo-Pacific sailfish Istiophorus platypterus (Shaw and Nodder 1792)

Volume 50 Issue 2

U. Ganga, N. G. K. Pillai and M. N. K. Elayathu


The landings of the billfishes along the Indian coast are showing an increasing trend since the 1990s and the estimated annual average landing during 2000-2007 was 4317 t. Drift gillnets-cum-longline/handlines operated from mechanized and motorized craft contributed to the catches. Along the east coast, peak catches
occur during July-September and along the west coast during October-March. Istiophorus platypterus,Makaira spp. and Xiphias gladius were recorded, of which, the sailfish I. platypterus was the most dominant. Fork length of I. platypterus in the landings at Cochin Fisheries Harbour during 2005-2007 ranged from 80 cm to 300 cm and was dominated by the length group 120 to 250 cm. Although a by-catch,sailfishes are of considerable economic value and detailed studies on the fishery and biological aspects from the Indian EEZ are needed to assess stock status on a regional basis.


Billfish, sailfish, drift gillnet, longline, by-catch

Date : 05-06-2009

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