Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Length-weight relationship of three species of belonids and a hemiramphid from the Gulf of Mannar.

Volume 38 Issue 1&2

H. Mohamad Kasim, K.M.S. Ameer Hamsa, S. Rajapackiam and T.S. Balasubramanian


Length-weight relationship and relatie condition factor of Tylorurus crocodilus  crocodilus, Strongylura leiura, Ablennes hians and Hemiramphus marginatus have been studied. The regression lines 'of these species have been found to be significantly different from each other. All the four species exhibit isometric growth following cubic law. The relative condition factor for all the four species shows values around unity almost throughout the size range examined except for the young ones of Ablennes hians indicating a healthy and robust condition and good combatibility to these species with the habitat.


Tylorurus crocodilus  crocodilusStrongylura leiura, Ablennes hians, Hemiramphus marginatus, length weight relationship

Date : 30-12-1996

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