Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Demospongiae of the Gulf of  Kutch

Volume 38 Issue 1&2

P. A. Thomas, C. S. Gopinatha Pillai and M. S. Rajagoapalan


The present collection of sponges from the Gulf of Kutch contains a total of 25 species referable to 22 genera and 15 families. Of these, 5 species are previously known from the coast of Gujarat and the rest, 20 species recorded from the Gulf of Kutch for the first time. 


Analysis of sample indicated the following habitat preference patterns (1) 9 species (or 36%) prefered to colonise the under srufaces of hard objects, (2) 8 species (or 32%) ,were boring forms, (3) 6 species (or 24%) showed a tendency to incorporated siltsland into their surface or interior, (4) 1 species (or 4%) possessed specialised structures to lodge both incurrent and excurrent openings and (5) 1 species (or 4%) showed acute signs of 'stress' as it colonised an area which is ecologically forbidden to it. All the above habitat preferences indicate that the sponge fauna of the Gulf of Kutch is subjected to constant 'stress' arising from excessive silt fall.


Sponges, species composition, habitate preference, Gulf of Kutch

Date : 30-12-1996

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