Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Growth, Mortality and exploitation of Priacanthus hamrur (Forskal) from the north east coast of India

Volume 38 Issue 1&2

K.P. Philip and Kuruvila Mathew


Growth, mortality and exploitation of Priacanrlurs hamrur from the north east coast of India were studied separately for males and females from the exploratory survey data and for both the sexes combined from the commercial landings. The longevity was estimated to be eight years. The natural (M), total mortality (Z), and fishing coefficients (F), exploitation ratio (E) and exploitation rate (U) were studied. The exploitation ratio of cammercial data indicated that the stocks are being exploited beyond optimum level.


Priacanthus hamrur, growth, mortality, exploitation

Date : 30-12-1996

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