Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Penaeid prawn fisheries of the Northwest coast of India.

Volume 36 Issue 1&2

S. Ramamurthy


The present account is based on commercial trawler operations in the Northwest coast of India between 170 and 210 N- 710 and 730 E during 1978-’85 covering an area of approximately 25,000 km2. Penaeid prawns accounted for 8290 tonnes per year on an average constituting 28% of the trawl catch. A standing stock of 13,000 t of penaeid prawns has been estimated from the area based on the swept area method which indicates scope for increasing the fishing effort. Parapenaeopsis stylifera, Metapenaeus affinis, Solenocera crassicornis and M. Monoceros were the major components.

The length-weight relationship of the major species has been worked out. No significant difference in the mean size of the species caught over the years was noticeable. Females always predominated over males among all the species almost throughout the season. The peak breeding period for most of the species was during August- November and March-April. However percentage of mature females was generally observed to be low in the population.

Date : 30-12-1994

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