Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Availability of Grey mullet spawners in Adyar Estuary and Kovalam Backwater around Madras, India.

Volume 36 Issue 1&2

G. Mohanraj, P.Nammalwar, S.Kandaswamy and A.C.Sekar


A survey of the grey mullet spawners in Adyar Estuary and Kovalam Backwagter around Madras was conducted for 2 years from July 1985 to June 1987. Availability of spawners of different species of grey mullet Mugil cephalus, Liza macrolepis, L. parsia and L. tade in the areas surveyed was assessed. It is evident from the data that the spawners of M.cephalus are abundant from October to January. The peak availability of spawners of L. Macrolepis is from January to July. In the case of L. parsia the spawners are available from December to March and to June to August whereas, L. tade spawners occur from November to January.

Date : 30-12-1994

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