Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

On the perch fishery of Tuticorin During 1978-1980

Volume 36 Issue 1&2

Grace Mathew


The present paper deals with the studies on perch resources viz. the rock-cods, the snappers and the pigface breanis mainly, which are abdundant in the seas off Tuticorin. Perches are one of the most important groups of demersal fishes with immense developmental potentialities. The present study relates to the period 1978-'80. This fishery was fairly good in this area, during this period, employing both indigenous craft and gear as well as the mechanised units. At Tuticorin, during this period 73.3% of perches were landed by indegenous craft and gear whereas the remaining 26.7% were fished by the mechanised units including the large fishing trawlers of the Fishery Survey of India. This fishery, by and large was supported mainly by fishes of 'he family Lethrinidae, Serranidae, Lutjanidae, Plectorhychidae. There is a well defined peak seasr.i for this fishery during July-October period followed by a smaller peak in April-May.

Date : 30-12-1994

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