Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Demersal fishery resources off North Kerala Karnataka-Konkan Coast.

Volume 32 Issue 1&2

K. Vijayakumaran and K. P. Philip


An account on the demersal fishery resources off North Kerala, Karnataka and Konkan Coasts beyond 100 m depth belt, based on the results of survey conducted by vessels of Fishery Survey of India, is presented in this paper. The survey indicated the availability of under-exploited and unexploited demersal fishery resources in considerable quantities in the deep water areas.

The important species present in the 100-200 m depth zone are nemipterids, lizardflsh, priacanthids, decapterids and cephalopods. Nemipterids foi-med about 48 % of the catch from this depth zone followed by lizardflsh and priacanthids with l3%and 12% respectively. The deeper areas of 200-500m zone is dominated by deep-sea prawns, lobster and fishes like Cenlrolophus niger, Priacanthus spp., Chlorophthalmus spp., etc. C. niger constituted about 69% of the catch of this depth zone. Variations have been noticed in the distribution and abundance of these varieties in respect of area, depth and season. The surveys have also revealed the existence of potential grounds for deep-sea prawns like Aristeus sp. and Heterocarpus sp. Potential grounds for deepsea lobster Puerulus sewelli was also located. The Kerala-Karnataka Coast yielded comparatively good catch rates in respect of most of the groups

Date : 31-12-1990

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