Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Comparative economic efficiency of different types of mechanised fishing units operating along Kerala Coast.

Volume 32 Issue 1&2

K. K. .P. Panikkar, R. Sathiadhas and T. Jacob


Comparative economic efficiency of purse seiners, trawlers and drift gill netters operating along Kerala Coast was studied from 1982 to 1986.

The gross income and net income per unit per day of operation, rate of returns, returns to labour, fuel efficiency and pay-back period have been worked out for all the 3 types of units. These fishing units do not compete each other and their catch compositions are different. However, the evaluation of their comparative economic efficiency is essential for formulating credit policy and development plans.

Initial investment on a new unit showed considerable increase over the years for all the 3 types of fishing gears studied. The purchase price of a purse seine craft and gear amounting to about Rs. 7 lakhs in 1982 increased to Rs. 12 lakhs in 1986. Fuel cost increased due to enhancement in price as well as in utilisation level. Nevertheless, the average gross revenue per unit per day of operation of a purse seiner continuously increased from about Rs. 5000 in 1982 to about Rs. 12,000 in 1986. For trawlers it increased from Rs. 826 in 1982 to Rs. 2,250 in 1986 and with respect to drift gill nets it worked out to Rs. 606 in 1982 and Rs. 1,227 in 1986.

Date : 31-12-1990

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