Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Appearance and growth of benthic fauna in a newly excavated brackishwater fish pond

Volume 34 Issue 1&2

Arunabha Mitra, K. C. Patra and A. B. Bhunia


Benthic organisms constitute an important component in the food of the culturable varieties of prawn and finfish. So growth of benthos is considered as the prerequisite for stocking a brackishwater pond. In the present investigation, physico-chemical parameters, Q.P.P. and benthic fauna have been studied in a newly constructed brackishwater fish pond. The tide-fed pond was inundated by tidal water immediately after completion of the excavation and all parameters were observed to find the time of appearance and subsequent growth of benthic fauna which indicate the maturity of the pond in terms of its suitability for stocking with fish and prawn seed.

The temperature of the pond varied between 20.5 to 30.8''C, salinity changed from 0.2 to 23.4 %0, dissolved oxygen varied from 5.5 to 9.5 mg/1 and pH fluctuated between 6.5 to 8.0. G. P. P. was found to increase from 3.35 to 41.31 mg C/m3/hr. Of the benthic fauna, nemertineans were found to first establish in the new environment which was later invaded by polychaetes, gastropods and amphipods in succession.

Date : 31-10-1992

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