Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

The status of fisheries for small tunas in India.

Volume 33 Issue 1&2

P. S. B.R. James and A. A. Jayaprakash


The tuna resources presently exploited in India essentially comprise the small tunas such as Euthynnus affinis. Auxis thazard, A. rochei, Thumus tonggol and Katsuwonus pelamis. The non-mechanised and mechanised crafts engaged in the fishery have their operational range upto 50 m depth zone. The drift/gillnets, hooks and lines and purse seines presently employed by these imits are multispecies gear and tunas form part of the catch. The pole and line units in Lakshadweep exploit mainly skipjack and young yellowfin tunas. Over the years the catch has increased considerably. The average catch (1984-86) was 28,093 tonnes. E. affinis, Auxis spp. and K. pelamis constituted 55%, 16% and 13% respectively of the total tuna catch. The Statewise, seasonwise distribution and abundance of small tunas are briefly mentioned. The results of the studies on stock assessment indicated that higher yield could be expected from the present fishing zone especially with respect to E. affinis and Auxis spp. Augmenting production should be through diversification of the effort as well as expansion of the fishing to the shelf edge. The pole and line fishing in Lakshadweep also offers scope for future expansion. The need for correlating the environment with the fishery at the micro level has been stressed.

Date : 31-12-1991

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