Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Sea urchin resources, of Waltair Coast.

Volume 26 Issue 1&2

S. Reuben, T. Apparao and P. E. Sampson Manickam


A potential resource of the little known black sea urchin Stomopneustes variolaris is reported along Waltair Coast. The survey along the 30Km coast-line revealed  the presence of sea urchin, the resource of which was estimated to be over 1224 tonnes distributed at an average rate of 8.5 numbers per square meter. The concentration of sea urchins was more in the crevices of rock and sheltered areas than on the open rocky bottom. As the roe of sea urchin is a cherished delicacy and has a good export potential, the possibilities and prospects of culture of this species in suitable areas along the Indian coast are discussed.

Date : 31-12-1984

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