Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

A preliminary survey of the fisheries in the Maldives.

Volume 20 Issue 1&2

Sten Munch- Petersen


Salient features of the marine fisheries of Maldives are presented in this paper. The tuna fishery is by far the most important fisheries of Maldives and constituted mainly by the Skipjack. The type of fishing boats, live-bait tuna fishery, system of sharing the catch and production of cured fishes are described.

Important reef and lagoon fishes, sharks and rays occurring in Maldive waters are noted. The common time live-bait species in the Maldives are listed and their fluctuations in availability discussed. Notes are also made on important crustaceans and molluscs occurring in the Maldive waters.

Date : 31-12-1978

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