Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Volume 16 Issue 1

Studies on demersal fishes of the deep neritic waters and the continental slope 3. On the occurrence of the oil fish Ruvettus pretiosus Cocco (Gempylidae: Pisces) on the upper continental slope along the south-west coast of India

E. G. Silas and A. Regunathan

A specimen of Ruvettus pretiosus Cocco (Gempylidae : Pisces) measuring 310 mm in total length was obtained in trawl collections from 185 fathoms in the Quilon Bank (9°04'N, 75°31 'E.) on 7th November 1968. The paper embodies a description with illustrations of this species which has not been described from the Indian Seas upto now

Date : 30-04-1974