Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Volume 15 Issue 1

Indo-Pacific distribution of microdesmid fishes (Gobioidea).

C. E. Dawson

The Oceanographic features prevailing along the west coast of India from Ratnagiri to Cape Comorin during the monsoon season of 1962 are presented and discussed. Nineteen hydrographic sections were investigated out of which twelve have been taken up for consideration. It was found that upwelling was noticeable to a marked extent in the region Calicut to Karwar and during this period a strong southward flow existed along the west coast. The topography of the bottom of the convection layer was also studied to have additional information regarding the monsoon features. In this connection the associated vertical migration of the thermocline during this period is shown and the probable causes of upwelling along this coast are discussed.

Date : 06-08-1973