Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Volume 64 Issue 1

Report of an amphipod, Caprella danilevskii (Czerniavskii,1868), from the south Saurashtra coast, Gujarat, India

N. Gajera, S. Jethava and R. Kundu

The amphipod, Caprella danilevskii, was first described by Czerniavskii in 1868. The material of the present study was collected from the south Saurashtra coast, Gujarat, India. It was collected from shallow rock pools of the intertidal area at Veraval, west coast of India. Caprellids are rare and not frequently reported from the Indian waters. In the present report, the species is described in detail


Caprellid amphipod, intertidal area, India

Date : 30-03-2022