Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Volume 61 Issue 1

New distributional records of eighteen species of Vorticella (Ciliophora: Peritricha) from mangrove ecosystem of Ayiramthengu in south west coast of India

P. Chithra and R. Sunil Kumar

The taxonomic characterization of twenty different species of Vorticella was made from prop roots and litters of intertidal area of Ayiramthengu mangrove ecosystem of Kerala, south west coast of India. Twenty Peritrich ciliates, viz., Vorticella alba, V. annulata, V. bidulphae, V. companula, V. campanulate, V. communis, V. convallaria,V. chlorostigma, V gracilis, V. jaerae, V. kenti, V. lima, V. longitricha, V. lymaearum, V. marina, V. marginata, V. microstoma, V. picta, V. similis and V. subsinuata were recorded. Their morphology and silver line system were described using live observation and silver impregnation. The study also revealed the fact that all the species except V. companula and V. subsinuata were found to be new records from India. 


Mangrove, ciliate, contractile vacuole, epibionts, Vorticella

Date : 25-07-2019