Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Volume 52 Issue 2
Lobster aquaculture a commercial reality: A review
*Peter P. Rogers, Roger Barnard and Matthew Johnston
Lobster Harvest Ltd, an Australian company, was formed in May 2007to progress the commercial development of lobster aquaculture technol ogies. The species of major commercial interest include both slipper lobster (Thenus spp.) and tropical rock lobster( Panul irus ornatus). This followed earlier research and development carried out by the MG Kailis Group. Lobster Harvest Ltd at December 2009 is now ready to initiate commercial aquaculture of slipper lobs ter and expects to be in a similar position to commence commercial hatchery production and grow-out of tropical rock lobster within ,3 years.This paper outlines the reasons for selecting these twospecies as candidates for lobster aquaculture and also reviews the company’s achievements at a broad strategy level against the business modelkey input assumptions for slipper lobster, along with insights as to why tropical rock lobster aquaculture will be successful in the future.
Aquaculture, lobster, lobster harvest, Panulirus ornatus, Thenus spp.
Date : 03-03-2011