Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Volume 51 Issue 1
On the fishery and some aspects of biology of Penaeus (Melicertus) canaliculatus (Olivier, 1811) landed at Puthiappa, Kozhikode, southwest coast of India
P. T. Sarada
The annual catch of Penaeus (Melicertus) canaliculatus varied from 353 to 7090 kg with an average of 2009 kg during 2003-2007. The fishing season was from January to June. The total length of males was 91-195 mm and females 86 to 230 mm in the fishery. Females dominated the catch. Crustacean remains were dominant in stomach contents (63.9%) followed by molluscan shells (22.5%). About 78% of females were in spent stage of ovarian development and 5.7% were with ripe ovary. The peak spawning months were February and June. The fecundity varied from 1,55,400 to 2,36,600 eggs with an average of 1,85,733. L∞ and K were 200 mm and 1.9 for males, and 237 mm and 2.0 for females,respectively. Length-weight relationship was Log W = -5.1287+2.99997 Log L for male and Log W = -5.1900+3.0271 Log L for female.
Penaeus canaliculatus, fishery, biology
Date : 01-09-2009