Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Volume 47 Issue 2

Species comoposition and diverisity of diatoms in the intertidal sediments of Gopalpur coast, Bay of Bengal

Gouri Sahu, A. K. Mohanty and R. C, Panigrahy

The species composition, diversity and distribution of diatoms present in the intertidal sediments of Gopalpur (Lat.19O6'N & Long. 84O 56'E) along Orissa coast in India are presented. The diatom flora comprised of a mixture of benthic-pelagic components. Out of 124 species encountered, 70 belonged to the Order-Pennales and 54 to Order-Centrales. But, only 13 pennate and 9 centric species were found as common to all the 4 locations, and thus they may be considered as endemic. The population density also showed well-marked spatio-temporal variations. There was an unexpected dominancy (86-93%) of Asterionella glarialis, during March and April. The species diversity indices - richness (D), diversity (H') and evenness (J) showed visible changes with respect to space and time.

Date : 30-12-2005