Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Volume 42 Issue 1&2

Seasonal variations in the physicochemical and biological characterestics of the Eastern Arabian Sea.

V.N. Pillai, V.K. Pillai, C.P. Gopinathan and A. Nandakumar

The entire area along the west coast of India, between Cape Comorin and Kandla within the EEZ was covered in six research cruises of FORV Sagar Sampada, 2 each in pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon periods during 1991-93. Data on the physical, chemical and biological parameters were collected at every station (one degree square) from surface to maximum depth of 500 m by using Rosette samplers along with CTD Unit. The results of the investigations indicated definite fluctuations in the physico-chemical and biological features in different seasons. The influence of physico-chemical features on primary production in terms of chlorophyll a and other relevant observations made by earlier workers were compared and briefly discussed in order to get a comprehensive picture of the characteristics of the waters in different seasons in the eastern Arabian Sea.

Date : 30-12-2000