Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Volume 35 Issue 1&2

Firt record of Benthomisophria palliata Sars, 1909 (Copepoda, Misophriidae) from the Indian Ocean.

Sabahat Ali-Khan

The present note reports the record of Benthomisophria palliata Sars, 1909 (Copepoda: Misophriidae) for the first time from the Indian Ocean and fifth in the world oceans. These specimens were collected in a vertical zooplankton haul at 24°09'N and 64''27'E on March 29, 1967. Both the specimens are copepodite V, female measuring 1.56 mm and 1.66 mm. Some of the characteristics slightly differ from those previously described by the other authors.

Date : 31-10-1993