Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

Volume 34 Issue 1&2

Liver and kidney damage in Grey mullet Liza parsia (Hamilton and Buchanan) on exposure to an organo-phosphate ' Nuvan '.

B. C. Mohapatra and A. Noble

In bioassav experiments with Liza parsia to 'Nuvan’ for acute exposure, the 48 and 96 hr LC50 were found to be 0.750 and 0.482 ppm respectively in a brackishwater medium of salinity 10 ± 1.0%o, temperature 27.5± 1.5o C and pH 6.0 ± 0.5. For sub-lethal effects the fishes were exposed to l/5th and 1/5th concentrations of this 96 hr LC50 value for 45 days. In histological investigations of liver and kidney of the fishes from both these acute and sub-lethal exposures, disorders such as vacuolation. Extensive coagulative necrosis with pyknosis. Karyolysis in liver tissue and enlargement of renal tubules, necrosis of epithelial tubular cells in kidney were observed. Safe levels for long-term use are yet to be found out.

Date : 31-10-1992